He has been a genius himself and has been striding with good movies across these years. K.S. Ravi Kumar commenced his directorial journey with Puriyaadha Puthir that starred Raghuvaran in lead role. From then, there was no turning back for the director, who continued to churn out back-to-back hit movies that include that of Rajnikanth and Kamal Haasan. Raj TV has a ritual practice of celebrating its annual celebration along with the successful mark of a technician or an actor. This year, it will be KS Ravikumar for his successful journey in film industry over the years. He has been the close pal of several actors in the industry that include Superstar Rajnikanth, Kamal Haasan, Ajith, Vijay, Suriya, Karthi, Prabhu, Karthik, Sathyaraj and many others. The function will be held at Nehru Indoor Stadium on January 4, 2014.