Marking the release of ‘Pannaiyarum Padminiyum’ on February 7, the makers of this film had organized a grand car fiat rally between OMR Asiana hotel and ECR Mamalapuram. Among the 50 Padmini fiat cars, the one that is featured in the film was also a part of it. The rally was flagged off by Vijay Sethupathi and along with him present were Jayaprakash, producer Ganesh and director Arun Kumar.
Pannaiyarum Padminiyum was earlier made as a short film and is now made into a full-length feature film. The musical score by Justin Prabhakaran has already become a good hit. Ishwarya Rajesh has starred opposite Vijay Sethupathi in female lead role and Jayaprakash performs the role of a Landlord. The complete film is about the emotional drama set among the driver (played by Vijay Sethupathi), landlord and the Padmini car.